Lately I was needed to deploy
custom Windows 7 image with SCCM 2012 (2007 should be the same).
In my search over the internet I didn't found any full guide that goes through all the required steps, so I decided to document it.
In my search over the internet I didn't found any full guide that goes through all the required steps, so I decided to document it.
The requirements was:
Upgrade Windows XP with new
Windows 7 image.
Backup domain profiles only
(except My Documents).
Do not backup files on
drive D.
Backup printers.
Format hard drive
Configure additional
Move computer to different
Create USMT package:
Copy the USMT folder (should
be here: C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\USMT) to the SCCM packages folder
(both x86 and amd64 folders).
Create a package with the source folder to the new folder you just created, and choose Do Not Create a Program.
Create a package with the source folder to the new folder you just created, and choose Do Not Create a Program.
Create config XML file:
Config.xml is a file that contains components, application and settings you can edit for migration:
Config.xml is a file that contains components, application and settings you can edit for migration:
Log on to the source XP\7
computer and copy the content of the x86 or and64 (depend on your architecture)
from the USMT folder package.
Run command, navigate to the locally USMT folder and run the following:
Run command, navigate to the locally USMT folder and run the following:
/genconfig:Config.XML /i:MigUser.xml
This will create a Config.XML
file for you to edit your special configuration.
Edit Config.xml file with "no" to exclude components and add the file to the USMT package location.
Edit Config.xml file with "no" to exclude components and add the file to the USMT package location.
I edited the following to
exclude My Documents from migration:
Create Custom XML file:
Custom files are files that
can be add to USMT folder and run with the migration process to exclude\include
You can run the scanstate.exe
/genmigxml:Custom.xml switch to create Custom.xml file that determine which
files will be included in your migration, and edit it to your needs.
The following XML excludes all
files located on the D drive:
More examples:
After creating the files you
need to add it to the USMT package (both x86 and amd64 folders) and update the
Next you need to add the
files to your task sequence "Capture User State" step or add it to
your command line step with /i:File.xml - later in this post.
Printers Migration:
I downloaded printers
migration file from
web site to backup printers, named it printers.xml and add it to my USMT
package (both x86 and amd64 folders) and to the task sequence.
Don't forget to update the
package each time you add\remove\change files in the package source.
Custom Language:
Configuring language settings
by creating Unattend.xml file with Windows System Image Manager, which is part
of Windows AIK and should be installed on your SCCM server.
Keep in mind that in the
process of creating the Unattend.xml file you need to create catalog from your
WIM file.
The WIM image file should
be the same architecture (x86 or x64) as the OS you run, otherwise you will
fail to create the catalog.
If your image is x86
architecture, you need to install Windows System Image Manager on x86 system and
create the file.
Here is an excellent post
of the process.
Migration Testing:
Before we run the task
sequence, we can run the following command to check that scanstate runs and
backup with no errors:
scanstate.exe c:\mig /o
/localonly /all /i:miguser.xml /i:migapp.xml /i: Custom.xml /i:printers.xml
This command will backup your
computers with all your custom XML files that you import to local storage
You can open the USMT.mig
file with MigRecover and check files\folder\profile was backup or exclude
Edit Task Sequence:
In order to use the
config.xml file and other custom USMT command line options, add Task Sequence
Variable step right after Request State Store:
Name the Task Sequence
Variable OSDMigrateAdditionalCaptureOptions and set the Value:
/ue:%computername%\* /config:"%_SMSTSMDataPath%\Packages\%_OSDMigrateUsmtPackageID%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Config.xml
Values in details:
/uel:30 - Exclude accounts
not in use for more than 30 days.
/ue:%computername%\* - Exclude local accounts.
/config: - Set the command to run with config file.
%_SMSTSMDataPath% - Root location for the package.
%_OSDMigrateUsmtPackageID% - Package ID number.
%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% - Computer architecture (x86 or x64).
Add all XML files to Capture
User Files and Settings (Do not use MigUser.xml and
MigDocs.xml together):
To restore content, add Task
Sequence Variable name OSDMigrateAdditionalRestoreOptions right after
Request User State Restore and set the value:
/uel:30 /ue:%computername%\* config:"%_SMSTSMDataPath%\Packages\PackageID\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\Config.xml"
Add all XML files you added
before (at Capture State) to restore User Files and Settings step:
From my experience, in
order to successfully restore complete profile (Outlook profile and other
configurations) a reboot is needed after restore user state.
You can add a reboot step to your task sequence at the end of the task sequence.
You can add a reboot step to your task sequence at the end of the task sequence.
Move Computer to Different
When you re-imaging a
computer that already exist in AD, you probably won't be able to move it to
different OU even if you specify it in Apply Network Settings step of
your Task Sequence because of permission issue.
In order to resolve it, I create
a package with this script and add Run Command Line step at the end of the task
sequence following by restart command:
Help for move computer step
was taken from this post.
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